IVF Lab With Laminar Air Flow

Dynamic pass box with interlocking systems for material transfer to the clean area to other area avoid cross contamination. Alternate available with UV light

Laminar air flow
Laminar flow ceiling
The Laminar Flow Ceiling is installed at the ceiling of Operating room to offer the uniform air flow and clean class, like for the
class I clean operating room, class II clean operating room, class III clean operating room. It can ensures efficient protection
against contamination which can occur during invasive acts and caused by airborne dead or living particles.


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Laminar air supply ceiling is a non-inductive air supply device centrally arranged above the operating table in the clean operating room of a modern hospital. It is the purification air supply terminal of clean operating room and laminar flow ward. It has high-efficiency filtration, flow equalization and airflow compensation. The cabinet is made of electrolytic steel plates, the high-efficiency filter is laid out in a tiled arrangement, which fully guarantees the laminar flow area of the ceiling filter to achieve a higher cleaning effect; at the same time, the filter can be put at side according to customer needs, providing HVAC designers with a variety of options. The air supply ceiling center uses an airflow compensating device to fully offset the interference of personnel on the laminar flow effect. It is divided into I,II,III, IV laminar flow purification air supply ceiling, laminar flow ceiling in burn ward, laminar flow ceiling in blood ward and laminar flow ceiling in ophthalmic operating room
Laminar flow ceiling use
Laminar flow air supply ceiling is the air supply end device of clean operating room and laminar flow ward, which has the function of high efficiency filtration and even flow. The air supply ceiling sends clean and soft air into the room according to the requirements of different purification level standards, so that the operating area is enveloped under clean airflow.

Laminar flow ceiling characteristics

Laminar air flow ceiling has 3 purification levels:Class Ⅰ,Class Ⅱ, Class Ⅲ.

The HEPA Filter installed type: Horizontal type, Vertical type.